I have to say that one of the things I enjoy most about 'surfing' through the countless blogs on the internet is the opportunity that the Lord gives me to pray for others.
Being a stay-at-home Mom, I'm no longer out in the work force - so my contact with others is limited to my family and church friends. I've prayed that I will be able to minister to others and lead them to the Lord, but knowing that my contact is limited...I often wonder if I'm reaching my full potential in the area of evangelism.
As I'm browsing through the blogs, it's amazing how the Lord will lead me to someone's space and I'll read the words..."please pray for..." What a blessing and honor it is to be able to pray for others --even though we don't know one another and perhaps will never meet this side of heaven. I'm counting on one day, after I reach my eternal home, asking the Lord to show me how my prayers have impacted the hearts and lives of others. I have a feeling that we'll be very surprised to learn that our prayers have impacted others far more than we can ever realize.
So, may I encourage all Christians reading this post; take some time to say a prayer for those whose blogs you read. Many share situations in their lives which need lifted up. Don't neglect the Holy Spirit's prompting when He tells you to pray! I guarantee you'll be blessed in return!!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I hope you had a very happy bithday.
I always enjoy reading blogs by people who are enjoying their walk with the Lord.
I like to think when I pray, God is answering in that "still, small voice" but I'm always suspect that it may be my own voice I'm hearing. So I always wait to act untill He starts reminding me which He does if it's really Him.
I find a lot of joy in praying for others. In fact my wife has told me I need to pray more for myself. As usual she's probably right. But I don't think God needs to hear from us but rather we need to pray to connect to Him.
Amen and amen!!
I feel so grateful to be able to call on Gods name in behalf of those who are in need.....it blesses me and brings me nearer to His glory. What a privilege!
How's your flag waving, singing, Olivia?
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