When I was younger, I was a voracious reader. Stemming, I believe, from the time my Mom took me to the public library to get my very own library card as a "reward" for going to the eye doctor without screaming in fear over those monstrous-looking lens-fitting machines! I mean, come on, what little kid wouldn't be scared to see this multi-eyed monster coming at her?!
Little did I know then that Mom was getting herself off the hook - library cards are free. Borrowing books...free. I was thrilled and Mom and Dad didn't have to fork out any big bucks to buy me some toy as a reward.
Recently, I tried the same tactic on Olivia. She told me that she didn't need her own library card because I have one and she always uses mine. Instead, she wanted to go to The Dollar Store! oy-vey!
She does, however, share my love of reading and reads often - to Brillo Man and myself, to Grandma, to anyone who will listen! I caught her reading to Bentley the other day. I'm not sure he was getting it, though he did have a smile on his face!
Also on my list is one recommended by Connie: Sunk Without a Sound - true story of a couple lost while rafting on their honeymoon. And one recommened by Pat: Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind
Gotta go...the pages are calling my name!!
They said to him,
"Sit down, please,
and read it to us.
-Jeremiah 36:15